These are my ten gaps:

  • Reorganize my living room to create more space
  • Create a pijama that is comfortable and does not move while you are sleeping
  • Find a way to make shopping lists faster and in a way you dont forget to write everything you need
  • A way to label USB flash drives to know more or less what kind of content it's stored before start trying all the USB that you have to search someting
  • A way to manage my collection of music (LPs and CDs) to know everytime I need what items I have
  • When you are getting dressed, a way to know wich colours fit well
  • A way to have all the pens, post-its, markers... controlled in the office to avoid buying on duplicate because you can't find anything.
  • A way to have the keys fixed in the keyring to make it more comfortable to take in the pocket
  • A way to prevent big bottles of carbonated drinks to loose all the gas while you have store them half full.
  • A way to have all the different coins of the wallet classified to find quick the coin value you need to pay in shops.

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    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    Mayo 2013

