I need to find things quickly in my desk, and I must see always easily if i'm running out of something or if I need to replace for example a marker.
So I've thought about making compartiments in a drawer. Staying all in his place I think it would prevent buying things in duplicate or asking someone to lend you something because you don't find it in your desk.
Firstly my sketch of a drawer with compartiments
Here is my first (and very simple) prototype:
This is my sketch of a wooden chair
These are my ten gaps:

  • Reorganize my living room to create more space
  • Create a pijama that is comfortable and does not move while you are sleeping
  • Find a way to make shopping lists faster and in a way you dont forget to write everything you need
  • A way to label USB flash drives to know more or less what kind of content it's stored before start trying all the USB that you have to search someting
  • A way to manage my collection of music (LPs and CDs) to know everytime I need what items I have
  • When you are getting dressed, a way to know wich colours fit well
  • A way to have all the pens, post-its, markers... controlled in the office to avoid buying on duplicate because you can't find anything.
  • A way to have the keys fixed in the keyring to make it more comfortable to take in the pocket
  • A way to prevent big bottles of carbonated drinks to loose all the gas while you have store them half full.
  • A way to have all the different coins of the wallet classified to find quick the coin value you need to pay in shops.
This is my favourite artifact, my Swiss Army Knife made by Victorinox. I use it very much as it gives me a very multifunctional tool to use everywhere.
The Swiss Army knife generally has a blade, as well as various tools, such as bottle openers, screwdrivers, can openers and many others. These attachments are stowed inside the handle of the knife through a pivot point mechanism.
There are many models with many different tools, mine it's quite simple, but I've seen models even with a USB memory!
I also like it because it was used a lot by the main character of a TV series that you might know: MacGyver.


    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    Mayo 2013

