Problem statement
A solution to have ordered and be more efficient with office supplies

Primary needs
Have a clean and ordered desk
Be more efficient with office supplies
Stop loosing time looking for things
Have the materials always ready to use
Prevent having things repeated
Store the office supplies I use in a single place
Know where is everything stored

Not very sure what design use to refine. I'm between two of them: My "¨Keyboard box" and my "Optimized drawer". Both seem to be ok, so I tested them with users.
"Keyboard box"
  • Clever solution but maybe not practical.
  • Like it because you don't add new items to the table
  • a bit little, so not much space for big items
  • not very convinced in the system of opening the keyboard to find what you need.

Users mostly say they would buy it

"Optimized drawer"

  • A way to have ordered the drawer
  • Prevent to fill the drawer with unusefull things
  • Doesn't like that kind of compartments
  • don't want to have many things inside the drawer because that would ruin the need of be more efficient

Users say the would buy and use this solution to have it in their working desks

I think I'm going to follow the development of the "optimized drawer", all users liked the keyboard, but maybe opening a keyboard to find your pen was a new concept difficult to manage.
More feedback will be welcome :)


Users liked the idea of the drawer but wanted something cool but cheap. Having in the same way all drawers in an office would be better so see whats missing and what is needed in every desk.

My first prototype uses compartments with "walls" but maybe its time to change that. I'm thinking in making a single place for a single item, to have each item of the drawer separated, so when you open it, in one look you can see everything.
I want to make it in cardboard because it will very cheap and you can recycle it.
A image of the appeal I want to reach could be this, everything separated in a hole in cardboard:


    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    Junio 2013

